Active Witness | How to: Set up a facility - Step-by-step
How to: Set up a facility - Step-by-step
- Select the facilities tab and press "+ add"
- Type in your new facility Name and hit save
- Select the bubble corresponding to the number of 'zones' under your new facility (it should read 0 for a new facility), this will take you to the 'zones' tab
- From the 'zones' tab, select the "+ add" button and type in your new facility name, and hit the save button.
- Next, select the bubble corresponding to the number of 'sensors' assigned to your new 'zone' and hit "+add" to add a new sensor.
- Type in your new sensor's MAC Address (which can be found on the box of the device, or on the back of your Sima reader) and fill in the rest of the required information.
- Select the facility and zone you would like to assign your sensor to.
- Once you have added all the zones and assigned each sensor to an access point, voila! You're all set.